Speeding Up Big Data With Platfora

September 18, 2013

Processing big data is slow and requires companies to depend heavily on their IT departments to compile reports. What if there was a way to make big data faster with a self-access system? Is someone programming castles in the sky? According to Info World, the answer is no and the article, “Platfora CEO: How We Deliver Sharper Analytics Faster” has some information that possibly verifies it. After a brief rundown of big data’s history, it gets to the interesting part that references how developers were not supposed to build data warehouses until they knew what question to ask their data. The problem is that questions change and analysts then cannot get the exact data they need.

Analysts and developers big challenges at the edge of big data: amount and type of data is growing at an exponential rate, nobody can know all the exact questions they need to ask in advance, maintain competiveness, and answer unanticipated questions. The biggest item the article claims analysts need is self-service.

Platfora then steps up to the bat with its new business intelligence platform:

“The integrated platform we developed to support a new era of self-service analytics helps to remove the obstacles to business intelligence described earlier by enabling an “interest-driven pipeline” of data controlled by the end-user. The end-user — typically a business analyst — can access raw data directly from Hadoop, which is then transformed into interactive, in-memory business intelligence. There is no need for a data warehouse or for separate ETL (extract, transfer, load) software and the headaches described above.”

Self-empowerment and the ability to find new data patterns all on your own. Are we seeing the next big data phase? Platfora is making analytics “sharp.” Cue the ZZ Top music.

Whitney Grace, September 18, 2013

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One Response to “Speeding Up Big Data With Platfora”

  1. Platfora Vizboards: Instantly turn raw data into actionable results - Analyst One on October 12th, 2013 7:52 am

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