High Hopes for Google Glass Revenue

September 26, 2013

We have reported that enthusiasm for Google Glass seems limited to a few tech geeks, but hopes for its future revenues are high. VentureBeat now reports, “Google Glass Could Be Worth $3.3B in Just 4 Years.” That is quite a number. The key to the projection—as few as 650,000 Glass users could supply Google with billions. Reporter John Koetsier writes:

“Robert Peck of SunTrust Robinson Humphrey suggests that Glass will retail for $349, which seems reasonable given current rumors, but he says that almost all the revenue Google earns from Glass will be from advertising, as he expects Google to sell Glass at or near cost. That could be primarily local search ads as users search for restaurants or cafes, or play with the Google Field Trip app, recently released on Glass, on a vacation to discover local landmarks, galleries, tourist attractions, and more.”

Did any of us really think we could utilize Google Glass without ads brushing our eyelashes? That is the route to riches for the company, which may sell the device close to cost. Perhaps they will consider a premium option, where we can eliminate ads with a reasonable monthly fee. I’d pay it.

Koetsier mentions a discussion he recently had with an early adopter who had forked over $1,500 for the device. He says that, though his acquaintance kept interacting with the Glass every few minutes, he “stayed completely in our conversation.” That will be a welcome advantage of the device once it hits the market: you can check your tech without folks around you thinking (realizing?) you are tuning them out. Ah, progress!

Cynthia Murrell, September 26, 2013

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