What Is in Store for SharePoint 2013

October 9, 2013

Steve Arnold of Arnold IT, the leading expert in search and content management, turned my attention to the article, “SharePoint 2013 Not Supported On Windows Server 2012 R2 Until SP1-Whenever That Is” on Windows IT Pro. The new Windows Server 2012 is set for deployment on October 18, 2013 with Windows 8.1 and System Center R2. It is meant to fix many of the bugs that came along with Windows 8, but there is a problem with the upgrade: SharePoint 2013 will not be supported on the new server operating system.

Microsoft alerted its users in a blog post that it will eventually be supported in the SharePoint 2013 Service Pack. The problem is that no one knows when that is. Does that sound annoying? It is Microsoft, so it is not new.

Here is the likely explanation to why the SharePoint will not run on the new server OS:

“But, it makes sense when you remember that Microsoft recently proclaimed a “Cloud First” development plan. This means that unless a product update or support need has a Cloud-value focus for Microsoft, it gets pushed down the list of to-dos. Customers can easily utilize SharePoint 2013 in the Cloud instead of running it on-premise, which is just another example of Microsoft gently prodding Enterprises to the Microsoft Cloud.”

Ugh! Arnold recommends we stall the pitchforks and fire burning for now, but it never hurts to revaluate content management plans. Until then give Microsoft the evil eye and mean glares.

Whitney Grace, October 09, 2013


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