Company Promises Rich Automated Content

March 7, 2014

Linguastat promises to transform big data and uses the metaphor “turning haystacks into gold.” Its Content Transformation Platform was developed for military intelligence with the goal of generating procedures specific, user-defined content. Since its launch, Linguastat counts ecommerce companies, real estate groups, sports organizations, digital publishers, and others among its client list.

What caught our attention was this bullet point about the Content Transformation Platform:

“Automatically writes optimized and copyrightable content.”

Linguastat states that its platform produces thousands of products and digital stories a day for their clients. They also take note that consumers are more likely to make online purchases when there is rich product content. The content is used to inform the consumer about the product. Its clients are in the market for usable content that comes at a cheap price.

While software is written to be extremely “smart” these days, we have a few doubts about the quality of the platform’s stories. Having never worked with the platform before, we can only go off our own experience with automated stories. Often they lack conversational or readable tone that consumers strive for and they tend to list facts in sentences. Cohesiveness is lost in automation. It is possible Linguastat has come across the magic formula that makes machine written stories digestible. Then again, they did promise to turn haystacks into gold.

Whitney Grace, March 07, 2014
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