Applied Relevance Changes Course with Shift to Epinomy

April 14, 2014

Applied Relevance is doing business as Epinomy. Among the leadership is Peter Auditore, an advocate of SAP and a former professional at the National Marine Fisheries Service.

Read more on the Epinomy team page:

“Peter Auditore is an innovative and strong leader with more than 25 years of experience in enterprise software sales, marketing, product marketing and communications. His entrepreneurial skills and research background enabled him to earn the positions of cofounder, Zona Research, Vice President, Hummingbird and President in three technology startups. At SAP Labs in Palo Alto, CA he formed the industry’s first Business Influencer Group and leveraged social media to create a social media group for small business.”

In addition to Epinomy’s tie up with MarkLogic, a 13 year old company “poised for growth”, Epinomy the company works with WAND, a controlled term vendor.

Epinomy as a name echoes the words “electronic”, “opinion,” and “economy.” Now I have to remember how to spell it.

Emily Rae Aldridge, April 14, 2014

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