Let Google Do It: Outsource the Government

August 1, 2014

I saw a discussion thread describing a proposed action to allow Google to become the National Technical Information Service. Although I served on the Board of NTIS years ago, I don’t think too much about the operation. Apparently Google does. Apparently there are some folks who ignore the repository aspect of NTIS. Google is search and pretty darned good the argument goes.

The idea is presented in S 2206, but the officials elected by the people are occupied with a number of weighty issues.

I did not this item about the efficacy of US government management. Take a look at “Poorly Managed HealthCare.gov Construction Cost $840 Million, Watchdog Finds.” A billion here and a billion there may not be a big deal as the economy improves according to some pundits.

What Google does not do, perhaps USA.gov will? What about the Library of Congress, various government document repositories, and, of course, the funding entities themselves?

Let Google do it? Why not?

Stephen E Arnold, August 4, 2014


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