Watson Analytic Example

October 21, 2014

Navigate to Thinglink. At this location is an example of the type of graphic that can be generated with output from Watson, IBM’s next big thing. A graphic artist has taken the data and created an eye snapping infographic. How many other systems can generate this type of output? Quite a few if the information in my analytics files are representative. Is it necessary to use IBM Watson when Microsoft Excel and an open source tool like Tableau are available? IBM Watson analyzed 135 million tweets from 10 countries in Central and South America. Brazil was excluded.

Twitter said in 2013:

Brazil is one of our largest markets with a strong user base. Twitter has already become an important part of our lives in Brazil and, by strengthening our local presence, we plan to continue delighting our users as well as creating new opportunities for marketers who want to connect with them.

Perhaps I overlooked Brazil. No big deal.

Stephen E Arnold, October 22, 2014


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