LinkedIn Enterprise Search: Generalizations Abound

November 11, 2014

Three or four days ago I received a LinkedIn message that a new thread had been started on the Enterprise Search Engine Professionals group. You will need to be a member of LinkedIn and do some good old fashioned brute force search to locate the thread with this headline, “Enterprise Search with Chinese, Spanish, and English Content.”

The question concerned a LinkedIn user information vacuum job. A member of the search group wanted recommendations for a search system that would deliver “great results with content outside of English.” Most of the intelligence agencies have had this question in play for many years.

The job hunters, consultants, and search experts who populate the forum do not step forth with intelligence agency type responses. In a decision making environment when inputs in a range of language are the norm for risk averse, the suggestions offered to the LinkedIn member struck me as wide of the mark. I wouldn’t characterize the answers as incorrect. Uninformed or misinformed are candidate adjectives, however.

One suggestion offered to the questioner was a request to define “great.” Like love and trust, great is fuzzy and subjective. The definition of “great”, according the expert asking the question, boils down to “precision, mainly that the first few results strike the user as correct.” Okay, the user must perceive results as “correct.” But as ambiguous as this answer remains, the operative term is precision.

In search, precision is not fuzzy. Precision has a definition that many students of information retrieval commit to memory and then include in various tests, papers, and public presentations. For a workable definition, see Wikipedia’s take on the concept or L. Egghe’s “The Measures Precision, Recall, Fallout, and Miss As a function of the Number of Retrieved Documents and Their Mutual Interrelations, Universiiteit Antwerp, 2000.

In simple terms, the system matches the user’s query. The results are those that the system determines containing identical or statistically close results to the user’s query. Old school brute force engines relied on string matching. Think RECON. More modern search systems toss in term matching after truncation, nearness of the terms used in the user query to the occurrence of terms in the documents, and dozens of other methods to determine likely relevant matches between the user’s query and the document set’s index.

With a known corpus like ABI/INFORM in the early 1980s, a trained searcher testing search systems can craft queries for that known result set. Then as the test queries are fed to the search system, the results can be inspected and analyzed. Running test queries was an important part of our analysis of a candidate search system; for example, the long-gone DIALCOM system or a new incarnation of the European Space Agency’s system. Rigorous testing and analysis makes it easy to spot dropped updates or screw ups that routinely find their way into bulk file loads.

Our rule of thumb was that if an ABI/INFORM index contained a term, a high precision result set on SDC ORBIT would include a hit with that term in the respective hit. If the result set did not contain a match, it was pretty easy to pinpoint where the indexing process started dropping files.

However, when one does not know what’s been indexed, precision drifts into murkier areas. After all, how can one know if a result is on point if one does not know what’s been indexed? One can assume that a result set is relevant via inspection and analysis, but who has time for that today. That’s the danger in the definition of precision in what the user perceives. The user may not know what he or she is looking for. The user may not know the subject area or the entities associated consistently with the subject area. Should anyone be surprised when the user of a system has no clue what a system output “means”, whether the results are accurate, or whether the content is germane to the user’s understanding of the information needed.

Against this somewhat drab backdrop, the suggestions offered to the LinkedIn person looking for a search engine that delivers precision over non-English content or more accurately content that is not the primary language of the person doing a search are revelatory.

Here are some responses I noted:

  • Hire an integrator (Artirix, in this case) and let that person use the open source Lucene based Elasticsearch system to deliver search and retrieval. Sounds simplistic. Yep, it is a simple answer that ignores source language translation, connectors, index updates, and methods for handling the pesky issues related to how language is used. Figuring out what a source document in an language with which the user is not fluent is fraught with challenges. Forget dictionaries. Think about the content processing pipeline. Search is almost the caboose at the end of a very long train.
  • Use technology from LinguaSys. This is a semantic system that is probably not well known outside of a narrow circle of customers. This is a system with some visibility within the defense sector. Keep in mind that it performs some of the content processing functions. The technology has to be integrated into a suitable information retrieval system. LinguaSys is the equivalent of adding a component to a more comprehensive system. Another person mentioned BASIS Technologies, another company providing multi language components.
  • Rely on LucidWorks. This is an open source search system based on SOLR. The company has spun the management revolving door a number of times.
  • License Dassault’s Exalead system. The idea is wroth considering, but how many organizations are familiar with Exalead or willing to embrace the cultural approach of France’s premier engineering firm. After years of effort, Exalead is not widely known in some pretty savvy markets. But the Exalead technology is not 100 percent Exalead. Third party software delivers the goods, so Exalead is an integrator in my view.
  • Embrace the Fast Search & Transfer technology, now incorporated into Microsoft SharePoint. Unmentioned is the fact that Fast Search relied on a herd of human linguists in Germany and elsewhere to keep its 1990s multi lingual system alive and well. Fast Search, like many other allegedly multi lingual systems, rely on rules and these have to be written, tweaked, and maintained.

So what did the LinkedIn member learn? The advice offers one popular approach: Hire an integrator and let that company deliver a “solution.” One can always fire an integrator, sue the integrator, or go to work for the integrator when the CFO tries to cap the cost of system that must please a user who may not know the meaning of nus in Japanese from a now almost forgotten unit of Halliburton.

The other approach is to go open source. Okay. Do it. But as my analysis of the Danish Library’s open source search initiative in Online suggested, the work is essentially never done. Only a tolerant government and lax budget oversight makes this avenue feasible for many organizations with a search “problem.”

The most startling recommendation was to use Fast Search technology. My goodness. Are there not other multi lingual capable search systems dating from the 1990s available? Autonomy, anyone?

Net net: The LinkedIn enterprise search threads often underscore one simple fact:

Enterprise search is assumed to be one system, an app if you will.

One reason for the frequent disappointment with enterprise search is this desire to buy an iPad app, not engineer a constellation of systems that solve quite specific problems.

Stephen E Arnold,November 11, 2014


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