A New French Business Search Engine

March 16, 2015

France is not the first country you think about when it comes to developing new search techniques, much less search engines. However, Web Time Media reports that, “France Datafari Labs Launches New Business Search Engine” meant to rival Polyspot, Exalead, and Sinequa.

France Labs designed the Datafari 1.0 specifically for the cloud and big data and it offers a complete open source enterprise search solution. It was made to be the top performing search application available via open source, making it stiff competition for Apache Solr and ElasticSearch as well.

The description of its offerings is pretty exciting [via Google Translate]:

“The promise to companies is to allow them to retrieve the data wherever they are, whatever they are, safe. Datafari for that innovates on several axes. At the technical level, it manages corpus big data, integrating Apache SolrCloud. Level analysis, it offers analytical queries and dashboards corpus. At development, it is Apache license, non-viral for business (they do not have the obligation to provide the community the developments they do). Finally, the interoperability level Datafari provides a set of REST APIs to expose its connectors as well as its search engine.”

Datfari 1.0 is already being downloaded and experimented with by developers to see if it offers a new, viable, and flexible solution for enterprise and singular networks. The open source search market is already swollen in the English-speaking world, so Datafari needs to explain more about what makes it different from other search applications.

Whitney Grace, March 16, 2015
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