Microsoft Artificial Intelligence Upgrades Artificial Insemination
June 11, 2015
No joke. I read “Cómo Microsoft Destina Su Inteligencia Artificial a Insemina Vacas.” The main idea is that using Microsoft algorithms, the efficacy of births has jumped. The write up reports:
Raquel Durá, responsable de Microsoft España, explica a Teknautas que los ganaderos recuperan en poco tiempo la inversión del sistema, y por otro lado, este es escalable según las necesidades y dimensiones de la explotación. “Todo empieza con una pregunta”, explica Sirosh en referencia al origen de GyuHo: “un ganadero preguntó si no podía optimizar su explotación de alguna manera”, y a partir de ese punto entran en acción el análisis de los datos y los modelos matemáticos que anuncian con precisión milimétrica, los momentos claves para la explotación óptima del negocio. O como ellos mismos dicen, “el internet de las vacas”
If your Spanish is as rusty as mine, Google translates the passage as:
Raquel Durá, head of Microsoft Spain, told Teknautas that farmers quickly recover the investment in the system, and secondly, this is scalable according to the needs and size of the holding. “The project started with a question,” Sirosh [a developer] explained with reference to the origin of GyuHo [the insemination process], “a farmer asked if he could not optimize its operation in any way”, and from that point the application of Microsoft’s AI allowed for optimal operation of the inseminations for Internet cows.
I would be delighted if Microsoft could improve the precision of its search results with equal aplomb. I am tempted to ask the cow, “Was it as good for you as it was for Microsoft”? I shall refrain.
Another question, “What does IBM’s Dr. Watson make of this probing matter?”
Stephen E Arnold, June 11, 2015