Google: A Week with Low Power Fireworks
July 3, 2015
I don’t pay too much attention to Google. I find the endless squabbling over the notion that Google is a monopoly, a bad guy, the new Microsoft, yada yada boring. I did notice this morning (July 3, 2015), three unrelated news items mentioning Google. Let me point you to the sources of this information or maybe disinformation and invite you to determine if Google is in the midst of a pre fourth of July fireworks test.
Item 1: “Former Google Worker Pleads Guilty to Raping Woman Inside his East Village Home.” My reaction is surprise because I thought Googlers remained at work. Is this Raping Woman story a caboose to “Prostitute Pleads Guilty in Google Executive Heroin Overdose Death on Yacht”?
Item 2: “Google’s Niantic Labs Sorry Over Death Camps In Smartphone Game” makes clear that Google allegedly included the concentration camps Dachau and Sachsenhausen in a game. According to the item, a Googler was apologetic.
Item 3: “Google Apologizes after Photo Software Tags Black People as ‘Gorillas’.” If true, Google’s algorithms display “drift” when performing metatagging functions.
I don’t know if these items are accurate or false. It is interesting to note that each can be triggers for questions about Google’s management and Google’s algorithms. Perhaps the European Commission will perceive these items as germane to their investigation of Google’s business practices. Tess is heartbroken. She has deactivated the alert function on her Apple Watch until the news about Google is less disturbing for her. Calm down, Tess.
Stephen E Arnold, July 3, 2015