Google: Clogging my Alerts with Negative Semantics

July 4, 2015

I hit the computer for a few moments when I was jarred from slumber by my neighbors setting off heavy ordinance. Ah, rural Kentucky.

Two stories perched at the top of my “Read this list.”

The first is “Google Just Suffered Three new Attacks against Its Already Trouble Core Business.” I am not sure what the GOOG has done to get in the nose of some online publications, but the story is loaded for bear. The headline suggests that the Google has a trouble business and it is going to become more troubled. The word “eroding” is a semantic killer: Google + eroding. Quite a bound phrase. The story asserts:

Google is still a search and ads company — that’s where it makes about 90% of its revenue. And that core business is under attack from a million directions at once.

What ways?

Well, the Google lost Verizon AOL search and ad goodies. Facebook is goosing its advertising options to its billion or so lads and lasses. And Pinterest cooked up “buyable pins.” Sounds painful, but presumably the pain will be stuck into the Google voodoo doll.

The second is the Slashdot story “Google Hangouts and SMS Integration: A Mess, for Now.” Whether true or not, the semantic union of Google + Mess is interesting. The main point of the story which may not be accurate is:

I wish there were a good roadmap for all the overlapping and sometimes circular-seeming options for Google’s various flavors of VoiP and messaging. Between Google Voice, Google Plus, Messenger (not Facebook’s Messenger), Gmail, and now Google Fi, it’s hard to tell quite where the there begins.

Maybe the post Fourth of July fireworks will be sparklers, not aerial reports.

Stephen E Arnold, July 4, 2015


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