Bing Game: Search Has to Be Fun, Fun, Fun
July 6, 2015
Navigate to “Microsoft Put a Pong Game in Its Bing Search Engine.” Yep, when I run a query I definitely want to distract myself with a quick video game session. Doesn’t everyone 70 years old have this compelling need to lose focus and forget why one visited a search engine in the first place. No wonder Bing is just so darned wonderful. Just the other day I was looking for information about the Citadel exploit from 2011, and I ended up playing Pong. Wow, as I recall, the experience was really helpful to my work.
The write up states;
People are discovering that if you search for “pong” on the Bing site, the search results include a playable version of one of the first video games ever made. The game allows the classic digital paddles to be moved up and down with a mouse or keyboard on the PC, or via fingers on touch screen.
Let’s have more distractions to prevent me from experiencing incomplete and irrelevant results to my queries.
Stephen E Arnold, July 6, 2015