Darktrace: A Kin of Kinjin?

August 1, 2015

Many years ago I loaded a software application from Autonomy. The application watched what I was “doing” and automatically displayed search results sort of relevant to what the software thought I was writing.

Flash forward to now. I read “Mike Lynch’s Cyber security Startup Darktrace Valued at More than £60m.” The point of the write up is that Dr. Mike Lynch has what looks like another success in his digital Bialette k6857 Mocha Express machine.

Darktrace monitors digital flows for signals. Instead of displaying search results, the system alerts security officers of a probable issue. Maybe Kinjin is not the influencer of the system. No matter. The company is “valued at more than $100 million.”

Several observations:

  • The Hewlett Packard Autonomy hassle has not spoiled Dr. Lynch’s coffee
  • Dr. Lynch is once again moving into a market sector in which some of the competitors are likely to be unaware of Dr. Lynch’s electric powered kitchen appliance taking over their coffee machine.
  • Hewlett Packard may want to ask and answer: “Why did we lose this fellow?”

My hunch is that HP won’t ask the question and may not admit that the answer is not just technology. The murky world of management spoils and otherwise pristine cup of java. That’s a $100 million dollar cup of joe.

Stephen E Arnold, August 1, 2015


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