HP: A Lesson in How to Sell

September 16, 2015

I am not much of a sales person. Hey, I don’t sell because no one in Harrod’s Creek is in the market for an old, fat, half deaf, and poorly sighted Washington, DC escapee.

I did learn something when I read “HP Announces 25K-30K Layoffs as Part of Split.” Hewlett Packard, the creator of the HP way, is going to split itself into two companies. I just heard that this mitosis will reignite innovation at HP. (Doesn’t HP sell printer ink and fund lawsuits targeting those who were silly enough to sell HP a company?) News travels slowly in rural Kentucky.

The misguided approach to sales I had prior to learning about the HP way was to perform the following steps. Let me use the example of my selling a motor scooter. I did:

  1. Clean the scooter
  2. Service the scooter
  3. Fill the scooter with fuel
  4. Get the manuals together in one envelope.

The idea was that I wanted the potential buyer to get a ready-to-roll motor scooter.

Now here’s what I learned about the HP way of sales:

  1. Figure out what parts of a giant company with quarter upon quarter of declining revenue make a Pile A and Pile B
  2. Assure the lawyers that the litigation against Autonomy will continue
  3. Terminate lots of people (the equivalent of my taking the rear wheel off my scooter which is for sale
  4. Appearing on a TV talk show on CNBC saying, “The sale will ignite innovation.”

I plan to try to HP way of sales the next time I sell a vehicle. I am darned confident that potential buyers will be impressed with an unusable vehicle.

I will let you, gentle reader, know how my emulation of the Hewlett Packard approach to sales works out.

In the meantime, why not try the HP method of sales yourself? A sure winner.

Stephen E Arnold, September 16, 2015


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