Learn about Google via a Click Generating Listicle

September 28, 2015

Desperate for clicks on your Web site. Follow the lead of “17 things You Didn’t Know about Google.” The idea is simple. Cook up a catchy title like “17 Things,” relate the title to the number of years Google has been in business, and break up a list into individual Web pages. Listicle magic.

I flipped through this article to see what gems about Google the authors mined from the wealth of Alphabet Google content available via a Google search.

Here are three “things” I highlighted as representative of the intellectual depth of the listicle.

  1. Google used to be called Backrub. Alas, there is no mention of the influences upon the founder. Clever or an oversight?
  2. Google is a derivative of a mathematical term. Omitted is the misspelling that yielded Google. Alphabets can be confusing.
  3. Google is scanning books. I wonder if the authors and publishers know about this?

Fill your mind. Absorb the other 14 facts. Be enriched.

Stephen E Arnold, September 28, 2015


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