Experts Team for Complex Data Infographic

January 23, 2016

I wish to point out that experts are able to make the complex easy to understand. For an outstanding infographic about the state of complex data, you will want to navigate to “The State of Complex Data in January 2016.” Because this is the 23 of January 2016 as I write this, you must click tout de suite.

The explanation of the state of complex data is the work of the experts at Ventana Research and the Aberdeen Group. Believe me, these outfits are on top of the data thing.

I noted this statement in the write up:

As for the diversity of the data – 71% of organizations analyze more than 6 data sources, and an astonishing 23% use more than 20. Doubtless, today’s data comes in many shapes and forms, posing new challenges and presenting new opportunities.

Astonishing results? Absolutely.

I am, however, not exactly certain what “complex” data mean. But help is at hand, according to the article:

This guide covers the topic of data complexity and presents the distinction between Big, Simple, Diversified and Complex data, and will enable you to understand the complexity of your own data and how to determine the best tools and techniques you’ll need to use in order to prepare, analyze and visualize this data.

Thank goodness there are keen intellects able to explain the differences among the big, simple, diversified, and complex. At the back of my mind is this reminder from one of the glossaries I prepared: Data are facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Obviously I was too stupid to realize that data can be big, simple, diversified, or complex. Now I know. My life is better.

Stephen E Arnold, January 23, 2017


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