Big Data Adoption Rate

March 12, 2016

I read “More Companies Walking the Big Data Walk.” The highlight of the article was information from a survey by an outfit called CompTIA. Also, there is some detail about the size of the sample, but not much about how the sample was selected. But that’s not surprising in a world when Survey Monkey has to retool.

Here’s one passage which I highlighted with my trusty yellow marker:

…the fraction of companies embarking upon big data initiatives continues to accelerate. In its 2015 Big Data Insights and Opportunities study, the research organization found that 51 percent of survey respondents report having big data projects in place today, up from 42 percent in 2013. In a corresponding shift, just 36 percent report having a big data project in the planning stage, down from 46 percent two years ago.

The write up pointed out:

This groundswell of movement in big data analytics is being felt up and down the supply chain.

The system in favor is Hadoop. No hint of the challenges Hadoop presents nor of the difficulties some organizations have recruiting competent folks with the technical, math and analytic skills helpful in a Big Data whirlwind.

IBM Watson has a fix, however. This is the citizen data scientist. For more information about this initiative, point your browser at “IBM Expands Watson Analytics Program, Creates Citizen Data Scientists.” Everything but revenue growth it seems.

Stephen E Arnold, March 7, 2016


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