Technology and Stuff Like Epistemology

April 9, 2016

I read with amusement “Technology Slaves Missing Out on the Real Experience.” I thought I was going to learn about the travails of a traditional newspaper which is now in the hands of new owners. Nope. I discovered that the write up is about a dinosaur waking up with snow on its feathers. [Gentle reader, you will have to pay money to access the source article. I know. That is a downshift. Take it up with the Financial Times, not me.]

The write up states with confidence:

Mobile device addiction is essentially about communication.

Ah, ha. Addiction. That’s an objective statement. Where’s the evidence? Well, in newspaper land, the proof is an anecdote from a quite talkative 30-something.

Another point.

In Plato’s Phaedrus, writing was portrayed as a disruptive, undesirable technology. Conversation and debate were the proper way to understand things.

Now we are cooking with gas. I would ask, gentle reader, what are the “things” one is to understand.

What must a person do when the notions of reality and things underpin an article about technology. In fact, what is technology? The newspaper which had to sell itself leaves that area murky or unconsidered.

Someone, methinks, needed a column and did not have time to check Facebook or tweet. The dinosaur with snow on its feathers is someone who is uncomfortable with change. Ah, where are the good old days of dead tree papers sold on corners by paupers?

Stephen E Arnold, April 9, 2016


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