Behind the Google Search Algorithm

June 16, 2016

Trying to reveal the secrets behind Google’s search algorithm is almost harder than breaking into Fort Knox.  Google keeps the 200 ranking factors a secret, what we do know is that keywords do not play the same role that they used to and social media does play some sort of undisclosed factor.  Search Engine Journal shares that “Google Released The Top 3 ranking Factors” that offers a little information to help SEO.

Google Search Quality Senior Strategist Andrey Lipattsev shared that the three factors are links, content, and RankBrain-in no particular order.  RankBrain is an artificial intelligence system that relies on machine learning to help Google process search results to push the more relevant search results to the top of the list.  SEO experts are trying to figure out how this will affect their jobs, but the article shares that:

“We’ve known for a long time that content and links matter, though the importance of links has come into question in recent years. For most SEOs, this should not change anything about their day-to-day strategies. It does give us another piece of the ranking factor puzzle and provides content marketers with more ammo to defend their practice and push for growth.”

In reality, there is not much difference, except that few will be able to explain how artificial intelligence ranks particular sites. Nifty play, Google.


Whitney Grace, June 15, 2016
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