SEO Craziness: Design Is the Most Important Ranking Factor
December 3, 2016
I love the search engine optimization “experts.” The concepts, the ideas, the confections—Amazing. I read “Design: The Top SEO Ranking Factor.” The main idea is that arts and crafts are more important than accuracy, useful information, clear presentation, and the other factors identified by Google itself.
I learned:
The only way to sustain organic search ranking is to offer an experience that users engage with after landing on it.
I love statements containing the word “only.” The idea is that there is one, unique, remarkable, go-to thing to do to pump up a result is a list of results or in an app designed to provide search even though the user does not know he/she is performing a search. The write up explains:
User-centered design of organic search landing experiences is pretty simple: provide clearly scannable [sic], relevant, compelling text above the fold. Anything that distracts from that mission defeats the purpose.
Cart before horse and ready-fire-aim are essential tools for this approach to providing useful and usable information.
Stephen E Arnold, December 3, 2016