Quote to Note: Professional Publishers Wonder What Is Going On

January 6, 2017

Ah, professional publishers, the show dogs of the information world. Show dogs are expensive. Grooming, brushing, vet bills, gourmet dog food. What happens when the folks who love dogs don’t go to the show? Even worse what happens when no one buys expensive puppies? Crisis? Yep.

I read “Scientists in Germany, Peru and Taiwan to Lose Access to Elsevier Journals.” The passage I highlighted in greed green was:

Universities regularly complain about the rising costs of academic journals, and sometimes threaten to cancel their subscriptions. But negotiators usually strike a deal to avoid cutting researchers off.

And the quote to note:

“Publishers must understand that the route to open-access publishing at an affordable price is irreversible.”

Professional publishers will not understand. Libraries pay to get the Elsevier journals. Keep in mind that universities pay faculty who write these articles. Then there may be more fees for the lucky authors.

Researchers then recycle the information contained in for fee versions of the academics’ work. When the money is not there, tenure goes to the dogs.

The researchers will get their scholarly canines from the pound. RIFed publisher staff can work at Uber.


Stephen E Arnold, January 6, 2017



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