IBM Can Train Smart Software ‘Extremely Fast’ an IBM Wizard Asserts

November 30, 2017

Short honk: If you love IBM, you will want to read “AI, Cognitive Realities and Quantum Futures – IBM’s Head of Cognitive Solutions Explains.” The article contains extracts of an IBM wizard’s comments at a Salesforce event. Here’s the passage I noted:

What we find is we always start with POCs, proof of concept. They can be small or large. They’re very quick now, because we can train Watson our new data extremely fast.

If this is true, IBM may have an advantage over many other smart software vendors. Why? Gathering input data, formatting that data into a form the system’s content processing module can handle, and crunching the data to generate the needed indexes takes time and costs a great deal of money. If one needs to get inputs from subject matter experts, the cost of putting engineers in a room with the SMEs can be high.

It would be interesting to know the metrics behind the IBM “extremely fast” comment. My hunch is that head-to-head tests with comparable systems will reveal that none of the systems have made a significant breakthrough in these backend and training processes.

Talk is easy and fast; training smart software not so much.

Stephen E Arnold, November 29, 2017


One Response to “IBM Can Train Smart Software ‘Extremely Fast’ an IBM Wizard Asserts”

  1. landscape design on December 3rd, 2017 9:25 pm

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    IBM Can Train Smart Software

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