Google and France: A Dust Up Escalates
March 16, 2018
The addled goose knows that most Google watchers are mesmerized by the GOOG’s about face with regard to editorial responsibility. There’s the ban on crypto currency. If you missed that news, Google is doing with other firms and some governments have failed to do — taken steps to check the rampant craziness about calculated “money” designed to work around countries’ banking systems, laws, and procedure. Then there is the linkage of the ever accurate Wikipedia to some YouTube videos. The idea is to provide some sort of knowledge based balance to what is now the Alexandria of cat videos.
Put those decisions aside, gentle reader.
Tucked into the flow of news, almost hidden beneath the editorial responsibility stories, was “France Will Sue Apple and Google over ‘Abusive’ Treatment of Developers.” A article states:
Speaking on RTL Radio on Wednesday, Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said that he “believes in an economy based on justice” and “will take Google and Apple before the Paris Commercial Court for abusive business practices”, Reuters reports. These allegedly-abusive business practices relate to the way that the tech giants impose tariffs on developers who sell their apps via the iTunes App Store and Google Play, respectively.
There are some flashpoint words in this report. We noted “abusive.” We also think the references to “tariffs” is interesting.
The signal from France merits attention. The consequences could be interesting.
Oh, the subtitle to the story is:
Firms could face fines in the ‘millions of Euros’ if found guilty
That might be why this signal cannot be dismissed with, « Bah laisse tomber ! »
Stephen E Arnold, March 16, 2018