High School Science Club Management Methods: August 27, 2018

August 27, 2018

I think I have spotted another example of HSSCM in action. Navigate to “Tech Workers Say Poor Leadership Is Number One Cause for Burnout.” I noted from this headline that the peer pressure, meeting expectations of customers, and a desire to do a good job were not mentioned.

I learned these factors were in play:

burnout survey

Number one is “poor leadership and unclear directory.” That strikes me as low. Only about one fifth of those in the sample perceived the management team as lousy. But somewhere along the line, I learned at if 15 percent of a group is disgruntled, that group is well on its way to destabilizing a team and maybe the company itself.

I noted that toxic culture affected 17.5 percent of those in the pool were negatively affected by a toxic culture. In my high school science club, I recall one person asking my best friend who obtained a PhD from Cornell University, “Didn’t get the top score on this week’s test, did you?” Sensitive observation, eh.

The survey report presents additional findings. But I was not sure what the relationship between burnout and a list of big name companies was. Perhaps these are the outfits that those in the sample perceive as having poor leadership.

My conclusion is that HSSCM methods are indeed a “thing.” I will open a file. Who knows? Perhaps HSSCM is The Peter Principle for the mobile, distracted generation.

Stephen E Arnold, August 27, 2018


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