Facial Recognition and Image Recognition: Nervous Yet?
November 18, 2018
I read “A New Arms Race: How the U.S. Military Is Spending Millions to Fight Fake Images.” The write up contained an interesting observation from an academic wizard:
“The nightmare situation is a video of Trump saying I’ve launched nuclear weapons against North Korea and before anybody figures out that it’s fake, we’re off to the races with a global nuclear meltdown.” — Hany Farid, a computer science professor at Dartmouth College
Nothing like a shocking statement to generate fear.
But there is a more interesting image recognition observation. “Facebook Patent Uses Your Family Photos For Targeted Advertising” reports that a the social media sparkler has an invention that will
attempt to identify the people within your photo to try and guess how many people are in your family, and what your relationships are with them. So for example if it detects that you are a parent in a household with young children, then it might display ads that are more suited for such family units. [US20180332140]
While considering the implications of pinpointing family members and linking the deduced and explicit data, consider that one’s fingerprint can be duplicated. The dupe allows a touch ID to be spoofed. You can get the details in “AI Used To Create Synthetic Fingerprints, Fools Biometric Scanners.”
For a law enforcement and intelligence angle on image recognition, watch for DarkCyber on November 27, 2018. The video will be available on the Beyond Search blog splash page at this link.
Stephen E Arnold, November 18, 2018
3 Responses to “Facial Recognition and Image Recognition: Nervous Yet?”
Why Do Most People Believe That Canbcer Is
A Disease?
Everyone has the capability to heal themselves
There is no cancer that has not bee survived by someone, regardless of
how far advanced it turned out. If even one individual has succeeded in healing his cancer, there has tto be a mechanism
for this, in the same way there exists a mechanism for creating cancer.
Every person on earth has the capacty to do both.
If you have beren informed they have cancer, you possibly will not have
the ability to changge the diagnosis, yet it’s
certainly within your capacity tto affect the destructive consequences that it (the identification) could have
giving you. The way you perceive the canfer and also tthe steps you cyoose to take following
the diagnosis are some in the strongest determinants of the future wellness, or the not enough it.
90-95 percent of most cancdrs appear and disappear of their ownn accord
The indiscriminate mention of the cancer as a ‘killer disease’ by professionals and layy people alike has turned cancer rightt into a disorder with tragic consequences for almost all today’s cancer patients annd their families.
Cancer is now synonymous with extraordinary suffering, pain, and death.
This perceltion continues even though 90-95 percent of all cancers appear and disappear of their very oown accord.
Not a daay passes minus the body making countless cancer
cells. Some people, under severe temporary stress, make more cancer cellks than usual and form clusters of cancerous cells that disappear again if they feel
According to medical research, secretions from the DNA’s powerful anficancer drug, Interlwukin II, drop under
mental and physical durss and increase again in the event the person becomes relaxed and joyful.
Low secretions of Interleukin II raise the incidence of canceer by the body processes.
However, people are generally not under severe stress onn
a regular basis. Therefore, most cancers vanish without the type of medical intervention and without causing any
reeal harm. Right now, an incredible number oof everyone is walking on with cancers within their body with out a hint they may have them.
Likewise, an incredible number oof people heal theiir cancers without even knowing it.
Overall, tthere are lots of more spontaneous remissions of cancer than you can find diagnosed andd treated cancers.
Cancer treatments do more harm than good
The simple truh is, relativeoy few cancers actually become ‘terminal’ or
are even detected. The vast maority of cancers remain undiagnosed and are not found until autopsy.
Typically, these folks don’t diee because of cancer.
They don’t have symptoms that may promot the doctor to presctibe any of
thee standard cancer-detecting tests. It should raise everyone’s eyebrows that 30-40 timess as
many cases of thyroid, pancreatic, and prostate cancer are simply in autopsy than are detected by doctors.
The British medical journal Lancet published a survey in 1993 that showed
early screening often brings about unnecessary treatment.
The reason for that? Although 33 percent of autopsies reveawl prostate cancer,
just one percent die from this. After age 75, half in the males mmay have prostate type of cancer, but only 2 percent die from it.
New official recommendations (August 2008) necessitate oncologists to
no more treat meen with cancer of the prostate beyond
the chronilogical age of 75 yeats because the treatments do more harm than good
and gives no advantages over no treatment whatsoever.
It must be noted that these low mortality
rates only sign up for anyone who has neither been informed they have cancer nor received any strategy to cancer.
Mortality rates, however, increase drastically if cancers are being diagnosed andd
treated, whih clearly shows precisely what does thhe
killing. Once diagnosed, almost alll cancers are
never given an opportunity tto disappear independently.
They are promptly targeted with an arsenal of deadly weapons suych as chemotherapy drugs, radiation,
along wiuth the surgical knife. ‘Sleeping’ tumors that would never really cayse much injury to your body, may now be aroused into powerful
defensive reactions and become aggressive, similar to relatively harmless bacteria that
develop into dangerous superbugs when ttacked by antibiotic medication. It makes virtually no
sense tgat at the same time when you really need to boost one’s body’s most important healing
system – thhe immune system – you’d probably subjectt yourself to
radical treatments that actuaqlly weaken or destroy the body’s defence mechanism.
The trouble with cancer patients is always that, terrified by the
diagnosis, they submit their health to those cutting/burning/poisoning procedures that, in alll
likelihood, will lead them quicker to the day of final
sentencing: “We need to inform you with our deepest regret that there are nothing more that can be done to help you.”
The most pressing quesfion for you is not, “How advanced or dangerous is my cancer?” but, “What am I doing you aren’t doing that puts my body in a situation of getting to address for its life?”Why do some people move
through cancer as if it were the flu? Are they just lucky, or
perhaps there a mechanism in the office that triggers the healing?
On tthe contrary, is there a hidden element that prevents one’s body
fromm healing cancewr naturally, which makes cancer
so dangerous, if indeed it really iis dangerous whatsoever?
People believe cancer can be a vicious killer
Thee sllutions to each onee of these queries lie using thhe
person wwho contains the cancer, and will not rely on their education of an particular cancer’s ‘viciousness’ or perhaps the advanced stage that
seems like too possess progressed. Do you believe that csncer is really a disease?
You will almost certainly answer, “Yes,” because of
the ‘informed’ opinion that this healthcare industry and advertising hwve fed on the
masses for a lot off decades. Yet, greater important but rarely asked question remains, “Why do you think cancer is a disease?” You mayy answer, “Because I know cancer kills people daily.” I
would then question yyou further, “How have you any idea that it is the cancer that kills people?”
You would probably reason that a lot of people who may have cancer
die, so obviously it has to be thee cancer that
kills them. Besides, you could reason, all tthe expert doctors inform us so.
Let mme ask you another question, a fairly strange one: “How do you know for certain that you are the daughter/son of one’s father instead of of some other man?” Is it
as your mothewr told you so? What makes you thgink that your mother told you the truth?
Probably when you believe her; plus you’ve got no reason at all to never.
After all, jane is your mother, and mothers do not lie about this stuff.
Or can they? Although you won’t actually know with absolute cerrainty that this person you
think to get your father is, in reality, your father, you nevertheless have turned everything
you subjectively belijeve into something tthat you ‘know’, into an irrefutable
Alrhough no scientific pproof whatsoever exisrs to demonstrate that cancer is often a disease (versus a healing
attempt), many people will insist it is really a disease as this iss what they’ve ben told to
believe. Yet this bbelief is just hsarsay determined by other people’s opinions.
These other people heard the identical ‘truth’ from someone
else. Eventually, the infallible doctrine that
cancer is a diisease ccan be traced with a doctors who
expressed their subjective feelings or beliefs witrh what that
they hadd observed and published them in certain review articles or medical reports.
Other octors agreed making use of their opinion, andd
very quickly, it became a ‘well-established fact’ that
cancer cann be a vicious illness that somehow
gets your hands oon people so that you can kill them. However,
the truth with the matter could posasibly
bbe quite different annd more rational and scienttific than that.
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