Will Algorithms Become a Dying Language?

December 30, 2018

It may sound insane, considering how much of our daily life revolves around algorithms. From your work, to your online shopping, to the maps that guide you on vacation, we depend on these codes. However, some engineers fear older algorithms will be lost to the sands of time and future generations will not be able to learn from there. Thankfully, a solution has arrived in the form of The Algorithm Archive.

According to its mission statement:

“The Arcane Algorithm Archive is a collaborative effort to create a guide for all important algorithms in all languages. This goal is obviously too ambitious for a book of any size, but it is a great project to learn from and work on and will hopefully become an incredible resource for programmers in the future.”

A program like this is so important. Maybe the place that has the most to learn from this long evolution of algorithms are those public government agencies. Some writers think many of these agencies have no idea what is in their algorithms, let alone how much they have to do with major policy decisions. Hindsight is truly 20/20.

Patrick Roland, December 30, 2018


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