Factualities for May 1, 2019

May 1, 2019

May Day data. The folks with spreadsheet fever are beginning to bloom. Numbers are sprouting in the most unlikely places. Here’s this week’s bouquet from the discount grocery of numerical sprouts.

Two. The number of times US government officials considered grounding the Boeing 737 Max. These deliberations and decisions to let ‘em fly took place prior to the two crashes. The airplane has semi-smart software. The government officials are humans and also prone to error. Source: Business Insider (pay wall, gentle reader)

Three. Number of years a biodegradable plastic bags survives in the ocean. After 36 months the bags can hold groceries. Source: Guardian

Four. Number of people killed when a crane fell off a Google building. The crane wreck took place prior to Google’s announcement of its revenue crash. Source: Irish Independent

32. The number of gigabytes required for the forthcoming Windows 10 1903. This is twice the space required for 1809. Source Digital Trends

50. The annual alleged rate at which the Dark Web is “increasing” every year. This is quite a number because other data suggest the Dark Web is holding steady at about 4,500 sites and services. Source: Techworld

50. The number of hours people work who say, “I work 75 hours a week.” Source: New York Magazine

200. A Comcast’s customer monthly data usage. Source: Ars Technica

4,000. Number of technology companies based in Singapore. Source: Tech Asia

$10,000. Amount some Amazon sellers pay to get their product boosted to the top of an Amazon results page. Source: Buzzfeed

13 percent. Percentage of homes in Japan which are abandoned. Source: Quartz

70 percent. Only 30 percent of an ad’s effectiveness depends on the channel and other factors. Source: Google via Business World India

$32 million. The amount Hertz wants Arthur Andersen (oops, Accenture) to pay for an Enron-esque Web site which is problematic. This is a nice way of saying, “Enron-grade financial performance. Source: The Register

40 million. Number of PayPal users. Source: CNBC

102 million. Number of Americans without a job. Source: Christian Journal

350 million. Number of times open source Elasticsearch has been downloaded. Source: Elastic’s Hannah Kerber’s email to DarkCyber

$2.7 billion. The amount lost to cyber crime in 2018. Source: Government Computer News

$13 billion. The amount the fortunes of five billionaires increased in the week of April 27, 2019. Source: Forbes

One trillion or $1,000,000,000,000. The market cap of Microsoft. Source: Gamespot

Spreadsheet fever may be incurable.

Stephen E Arnold, May 1, 2019

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