The Googler Who May Become the First Xoogler of Algorithmic Bias

July 27, 2019

I read Project Veritas’ article “Current Sr. Google Engineer Goes Public on Camera: Tech Is “Dangerous,” “Taking sides.

This is an interesting assertion. Why would a person who allegedly works at Google make such a statement? DarkCyber does not know. The person who made the alleged assertion is now kicking back, watching YouTube, and contemplating what “administrative leave” means we assume.

Real info or fake info?

Google haters will say, “Real info, by golly.”

Google lovers will say, “Not my Google.”

DarkCyber is neutral. Let’s look at some of the statements made by the Googler who is, it seems, unable to chow down in a Google cafeteria. Here are three of the PhD’s “real” assertions:

Point 1: Bias. Tech is taking sides in a political content. DarkCyber believes that it is very easy to shape the content displayed in response to a query. It is also easy to filter out Web sites or specific content. If the statements made by a PhD Googler (moving toward official Xoogler status) are accurate, those with access to lists of prohibited words or sites, algorithm threshold settings, or algorithm weighting controls — injecting some subjectivity into how the plumbing works is easy. Therefore, it is just possible that an individual or a couple of people with appropriate access, could make the content and ads displayed do a Zumba routine, not a waltz. Just a hypothesis, of course, of course.

Point 2: Data Are Used. Services like Google Assistant don’t have a bias. DarkCyber thinks that the PhD Googler (on the path to Xooglerdom) is naive. Data gathered by any Google log will feed into the “system” and be available for assorted processes. Armed with trivial data points, the Google system may be more robust and capable; for example, an action sent to Google Assistant could have an impact on outputs to that Google user. Stateful is as stateful does.

Point 3. Transparency. Google is not transparent. What a surprise! Even for those who work at Google, information seems to be compartmentalized. Google seems to function in the manner of a government agency in Eastern Europe in the 1940s. There’s a hierarchy, and it mostly works. If not, who is going to complain? Not DarkCyber. Who wants to be a serfs not allowed to serve food at the barons’ banquet?

The interview and video are interesting. Are they true and real? DarkCyber is on the fence, not at home wishing for a cube, a Foosball game, and a trip to the Google cafeteria.

Stephen E Arnold, July 27, 2019


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