Cyber Security Marketing: About to Get Much Noisier in 2020
March 4, 2020
“Businesses at Risk for Cyber attack but Take Few Precautions” states:
Although businesses are increasingly at risk for cyber attacks on their mobile devices, many aren’t taking steps to protect smartphones and tablets.
Let’s assume this statement is accurate and based on verifiable data.
Given this assumption, what will 2020 mean for the hundreds of vendors selling cyber “early warning” intelligence, smart cyber moats, and tools to prevent phishing emails from snapping confidential information?
The answer is, “More marketing.”
Another possible answer is, “More insight into how some organizations respond to threats like ransomware and loss of data.
Interesting disconnect which does not seem to slow venture firms’ appetites for smart cyber intelligence firms.
If the risk is high, why not take action? Perhaps priorities, cost, and complexity have an impact?
Stephen E Arnold, March 4, 2020