Contact Tracing: A Tradecraft Component Released as Open Source Software

March 25, 2020

DarkCyber does not want to beat the drum about keeping some information from finding its way into general circulation. We want to point to “Singapore Government to Make Its Contact Tracing App Freely Available to Developers Worldwide.” The article states:

the Government [of Singapore] will be making the software for its contact-tracing application TraceTogether, which has already been installed by more than 620,000 people, freely available to developers around the world.

With the code in open source, those with some technical skill can develop, enhance, expand, and implement some of the features of TraceTogether.


The article points out:

the TraceTogether app can identify people who have been within 2m of coronavirus patients for at least 30 minutes, using wireless Bluetooth technology.

The article includes a how to graphic. The method revealed in the diagram, in the opinion of DarkCyber, seems similar to specialized tools available but in close hold mode for a number of years.

DarkCyber chooses to let the article speak for itself and you, gentle reader, to formulate your own upsides and downsides to the information disclosed by the Straits Times.

Stephen E Arnold, March 25, 2020


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