Quantum Computing Dust Up: Is the Spirit of Jeffrey Influencing Some Academics?
March 2, 2020
If you are into quantum computing and the magic it will deliver… any minute now, you won’t bother reading the MIT Technology Review article “Inside the Race to Build the Best Quantum Computer on Earth.” Please, keep in mind that MIT allegedly accepted funds from the science loving Jeffrey Epstein and then seemed to forget about that money.
Here’s the key sentence in the write up:
None of these devices—or any other quantum computer in the world, except for Google’s Sycamore—has yet shown it can beat a classical machine at anything.
One minor point: MIT’s experts appear to have overlooked China, Israel, and Russia Is it really ignoring quantum computing?), to name three nation states with reasonably competent researchers.
The focus on IBM and Google is understandable. Did DarkCyber mention that IBM is contributing to MIT’s funding; for example, the IBM Watson Lab?
What’s the point of the MIT Magazine research? Let’s try to see if there are quantum-sized clues?
First, Google asserted in 2019 that the fun loving folks in Mountain View had achieved “quantum supremacy.” IBM responded, “Nope.” This write up expands on IBM’s viewpoint; specifically, Google’s quantum magic was meaningless. Okay, maybe from IBM’s point of view, but from Google’s, the announcement was super duper click bait.
Second, IBM is doing research and business development in parallel. Google sells ads; IBM sells … what? Consulting, mainframes, managed facilities, and Watson? Google sells ads. Ads generate money for Google moon shots and quantum PR. IBM spends its money on ads. Okay, that’s a heck of a point.
Third, IBM wants to build a quantum business that does business things. Google wants to build a cloud computer to [a] sell ads, [b] beat Amazon, IBM, and Microsoft in the cloud, [c] accomplish a goal like climbing a mountain, [d] it is just Googley, [e] two of the four choices.
Net net: The write up walks a fine line. On one side is IBM and its checkbook and on the other is the Google. Is the write up objective? From DarkCyber’s point of view, like artificial intelligence, quantum computing is just around the corner.
DarkCyber is checking to make sure that when NewEgg.com offers quantum components, the team can buy one. For now, we will stick with the Ryzen 3900x: It works, is stable, and does jobs without too much fiddling.
Quantum computers require a bit more work. But when deciding between funding and ads, maybe fancy dancing around quantum computing is the tune the MIT band is playing?
Stephen E Arnold, March 2, 2020
After Decades of Marketing Chaff, Data Silos Thrive
March 2, 2020
Here’s another round of data silo baloney—“Top 4 Ways to Eliminate Data Fragmentation Within Your Organization” from IT Brief. Surveys have found that many businesses are not making the most of all that data they’ve been collecting, and it has become common to blame data silos. It is true that some organizations could store and access their data more efficiently. There’s just one problem, and it is one we have mentioned before—there are some very good reasons to keep some data fragmented. Silos exist because of things like government requirements, legal processes, sensitive medical data, experts protecting their turf, and basic common sense.
The article asserts:
“Many organizations are finding it difficult to extract meaningful value from their data due to one endemic problem: mass data fragmentation. With mass data fragmentation, data volumes continue to rise exponentially, but companies struggle to manage that data because it’s scattered across locations and infrastructure silos, both in on-premises data centers and in the cloud. Organizations often don’t know what data exists, where it is and whether it’s being stored securely and in compliance with regulations.”
Of course, entities must ensure data is stored securely and that they comply with regulations. Also, the write-up’s advice to keep redundancies to a minimum and to understand how one’s data is being stored and accessed in the cloud are good ones. However, the exhortation to eliminate silos entirely is off the mark; trying to do so can be a fruitless exercise in expense and frustration.
- A person wants to hoard his or her information
- Rules or regulations prevent sharing to those “not in the fox hole”
- Lawyers and HR professionals don’t want legal documents available and “people” managers definitely do not want employee health and salary data flying around like particles motivated by Brownian motion.
Net net: Reality has silos. Accept it. Omit the marketing silliness.
Stephen E Arnold, March 2, 2020
Clever Teens and a Less Than Clever Instagram
March 1, 2020
Teenagers are young, inexperienced, and do anything for a laugh. Most of their time their antics result in trouble with horrible consequences, but this time the victim is Instagram. Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms for teenagers and, being a generation who never knew a world without the Internet, they figured out how to hack aka mess with the algorithm. CNET has the story about, “Teens Have Figured Out How To Mess With Instagram’s Tracking Algorithm.”
Teenagers may post their entire lives on social media, but some of them are concerned about social media platforms such as Instagram tracking their data. They especially do not like Instagram tracking them, so they formed a plan. Using groups of trusted friends with access to multiple accounts, teenagers are fooling Instagram. Here is how:
“First, make multiple accounts. You might have an Instagram account dedicated to you and friends, or another just for your hobby. Give access to one of these low-risk accounts to someone you trust.
Then request a password reset, and send the link to that trusted friend who’ll log on from a different device. Password resets don’t end Instagram sessions, so both you and the second person will be able to access the same account at the same time.
Finally, by having someone else post the photo, Instagram grabs metadata from a new, fresh device. Repeat this process with a network of, say, 20 users in 20 different locations with 20 different devices? Now you’re giving Instagram quite the confusing cocktail of data.”
The hilarious part is that while it is not against Instagram’s policies, the parent company Facebook advises against it because of security risks. While it is laughable that Facebook is worried about privacy, when that company and other collect user data to tailor Internet experiences with personalized ads. However, if one person on the Instagram account posted something malicious, the entire group is accountable.
In order to have access to one of these “hacking” accounts, users must follow strict rules. They must only post content that the original users approve, do not accept follow requests or follow others, and any violations results in dismissal from access.
Clever teens. Less clever Instagram and, by extension, the fun folks at Facebook.
Whitney Grace, March 1, 2020