JEDI: A Way Out of the Legal Quagmire

May 14, 2020

DarkCyber noted “Bulging Deficits May Threaten Prized Pentagon Arms Projects.” The write up states:

The government’s $3 trillion effort to rescue the economy from the coronavirus crisis is stirring worry at the Pentagon. Bulging federal deficits may force a reversal of years of big defense spending gains and threaten prized projects like the rebuilding of the nation’s arsenal of nuclear weapons.

The cash crunch may be somewhat less problematic than the news report implies. JEDI, the multi-billion JEDI project, has spawned expensive litigation and interesting publicity for the Administration.

The budget crunch sets the stage for a simple, clean resolution: There’s no money to move forward.

Who wins?

Since a reset will create another round of bids, that’s difficult to say.

A reset becomes an option without besmirching the reputations of those involved.

The bean counters did it again.

Stephen E Arnold, May 14, 2020


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