AWS Cost Management
May 29, 2020
I am not sure if Amazon AWS cost management was covered in my Accounting 101 class and in the mindless training programs I enjoyed at Halliburton NUS, Booz Allen & Hamilton, and “lectures I could not escape from” at “secure” intelligence conferences. Come to think of it, Amazon AWS cost management is a new and increasingly important discipline. Ah, if I were 25 and looking for a niche, AACM, shorthand for Amazon Aws cost management might be lured by this digital Peitho.
Why is AACM (among the DarkCyber team we pronounce this acronym ah-shazam) a new big thing?
Navigate to “How We Reduced the AWS Costs of Our Streaming Data Pipeline by 67%.” The write up explains what one outfit did to keep $0.67 from the scraper of the Bezos bulldozer. The procedure involved technical analysis, cross tabulation, and detailed tracking of AWS billing.
Do know a cost accountant up to this work? What about a newly minted CPA? What about a financial analyst working at a Silicon Valley money machine?
I don’t. Thus, gentle reader, here’s a practice for a recent college accounting grad or a with-it MBA.
Stephen E Arnold, May 29, 2020
One Response to “AWS Cost Management”
thanks for the information, i would really appreciate if you add some more relevant information.