PR from Technology Firms: No Kidding?

July 19, 2020

I read “Inside Big Tech’s Years-Long Manipulation Of American Op-Ed Pages.” The write up explains in a couple of hundred words that high technology firms practice the craft of public relations.

I noted this statement:

In the policy world, planting op-eds from ‘independent’ third parties is so common it has a name: “Grasstops,” a word derived from grassroots. Grasstops advocacy is not limited to the tech giants, but these companies and their allies are especially adept at using the practice to fight off regulation. As antitrust inquiries against them build in the US, it’s worth reading op-eds supporting their positions with healthy skepticism.

Why’s this taking place? Maybe one of these statements is the reason:

  1. High-tech outfits give away neat stuff like mouse pads. The recipient feels special with said mouse pad.
  2. News organizations have zero incentive to check sources because high-tech is just so cool
  3. News organizations have been gutted because ad revenue has been absorbed by high-tech companies
  4. News organizations hire people who really want to work for a high-tech company
  5. Reporters have been replaced by “ready to use” content prepared by PR firms paid by high-tech companies.

What an interesting list of reasons for disinformation to flow like the sparkling clean water in the Ohio River. Yes, you can drink it too.


Stephen E Arnold, July 19, 2020


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