Facebook: Unified Messaging Comin’ Down the Pike

August 17, 2020

What does a monopoly do when regulators thinking about breaking up a big company do? That’s easy. The big company “integrates” its features, infrastructure, and services. If the big company does this “integration” in a clever way, going back to the pre-integration days is possible, but time consuming, expensive, and probably a job that will take more than a couple of days or a week.

Facebook Is Sliding Into Instagram’s DMs. Literally” reports:

Facebook apparently began rolling out an update that integrates its Instagram and Facebook Messenger chat systems in the U.S. The new integration was announced quietly via a cheerful pop-up message that appeared to users when they opened Instagram on their phones on iOS and Android.

The article points out:

Allowing cross-messaging between Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp has been part of Zuckerberg’s master plan for some time. Although each of apps will remain standalone, Facebook is working on integrating their underlying technical infrastructure. This means that people who only use one of Facebook’s apps could communicate with others in its empire, even if they don’t use the same app.

That’s a good point; however, it is not the main point in DarkCyber’s opinion. The goal of Facebook is to be impervious to break up. Integration is Job One. The fact that Facebook can add to Apple’s woes is like a hot fudge ice cream treat with a cherry or small fruit on top.

Life for Facebook was easier before its methods made headline news and caught the attention of usually sleepy government officials. So, heigh ho, heigh ho, to integration we go.

Stephen E Arnold, August 17, 2020


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