Security Theatre: Act II of Flimsies or the Security Shibboleth Myth

December 16, 2020

The election is over. The activities in 2015 and 2016 were Act I. I think we are now in Act II of “Flimsies or the Security Shibboleth Myth.” I am perched happily on a small hill in rural Kentucky. I know zero about the machinations of the giant security outfits and the throbbing US government agencies. I do, however, read some news once in a while; for example, “SolarWinds Orion: More US Government Agencies Hacked.” The main idea is that the cyber breach and theft of pentest tools from FireEye, a prestigious cyber security firm, is very much in the news. The BBC story points out that a number of US government agencies were allegedly breached:

  • US Department of Defense (does that include the Defense Intelligence Agency).
  • US Department of State (does anyone work there any more?)
  • US Department of Homeland Security
  • US Department of Treasury (the FinCen folks perhaps?)

A contact told me that the estimable US Department of Commerce was a victim as well.

The main question for me is,

Do these Fancy Dan, often six figure or more cyber security systems work?

Another question:

Are the technologies ranging from Dark Web threat reports to smart software that works like a human immune system real or marketing fluff?

I don’t know the answer to these questions, but I am wondering what Act III will present.

Stephen E Arnold, December 16, 2020


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