US Department of Defense: Procurement Methods Zapped by JEDI

February 5, 2021

I don’t know if the information in this article is 100 percent accurate, but it is an entertaining read. Navigate to “Pentagon May Cancel JEDI Contract and Start Over.” The write up does not mention the SolarWinds’ misstep, but I have heard that some DoD work from home professionals are getting a bit of a tan. Solar radiation can be a problem. The write up states:

The Pentagon could be set to cancel the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract it awarded to Microsoft in 2019, as a legal battle with Amazon rages on. The cancellation, should it occur, could provide significant financial benefits for AWS, with the cloud provider ready to swoop in. A new memo has revealed the extent of the Pentagon’s frustration with the legal wrangling. In particular, the memo states that, should Amazon’s complaint be upheld, the entire JEDI contract may be abandoned.

Her are the operative words:

$10 billion

Legal battle




and the biggie frustration.

Amazon arrives at the party without a tan from the SolarWinds. Microsoft may have been singed or hit with some first degree burns. Oracle is a wild card because it may find a way to provide a very competitive option.

Where is the DoD now? Snagged in Covid, wrestling with leadership, adapting to the new administration, working the numbers for the remarkable F 35 alongside figures for A10s and F 15 enhanced models, and the drone of social media and talk about thousands of nano drones descending on a squad in some delightful camping areas.

If the information in the write up is accurate, perhaps a connection with the SolarWinds’ misstep may surface. But for now, its legal hassles and the thrill of many silos of systems.

Stephen E Arnold, February 5, 2021


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