Google: Personal Data Unrelated to AI Ethics?

February 26, 2021

I read “Google Finally Reveals the Terrifying Amount of Data Gmail Collects on iPhone.” I thought, “Terrifying? From the Google?” I know that the company has some management challenges, particularly in its ethics unit, but startle, petrify, awe?

The write up asserts:

Google’s labels indicate that its apps will collect plenty of user data for several purposes. This includes third-party advertising, analytics, product personalization, app functionality, and — the most annoying one — other purposes. These categories also contain an “other data types” section that suggests the apps can collect even more information than they’re ready to disclose.

Several questions:

  • Will Google’s definition of ethics allow some interesting cross correlation of user data?
  • How does iPhone data collection components compare to Android device data collection components? More data? Less data?
  • How will Google’s estimable, industry leading, super duper artificial intelligence make use of these data to deliver advertising?

Worth monitoring the Google, its data collection, and its use of those data.

Stephen E Arnold, February 26, 2021


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