NSO Group: A Somewhat Interesting Comment

August 5, 2021

I read on August 5, 2021, “Israeli Government Finally Decides To Start Looking Into NSO Group And Its Customers.” The write up contained the interesting word “finally.” There’s nothing like criticizing a government agency for an easy pot shot. But here’s the passage which caught my attention:

 the Israeli government has opened its own… something… of NSO Group. But this inquiry is moving much more cautiously with local agencies showing much less urgency.

I think the “delay” suggests differential time measurements. Some government agencies do the mañana thing; others have a cadence set to hippity hop time.

The evidence is in and the judgment is rendered:

This seems to indicate that the list of numbers is actually related to NSO Group and potential targets of its customer base. If the list has nothing to do with NSO or its customers — as NSO has claimed — it likely wouldn’t feel compelled to cut off customers and/or curtail their use of Pegasus malware. While this isn’t an explicit admission of culpability by NSO, the implication is that the company sold its products to governments it knew would abuse them to surveil people they didn’t like, rather than just criminals and terrorists.

Intriguing because specific factual information about the delta in time perceptions is ignored. Just go to the conclusion. Helpful.

Stephen E Arnold, August 5, 2021


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