Let Us Now Consider Power: Rev That Bezos Bulldozer
August 26, 2021
I read a brief item which seems to go against the chatter I heard in DC several days ago; namely, Elon has smoked Jeffie. The “new” information appears Jeff Bezos Succeeded” online.
Here’s the passage catching my eye:
This Thursday, the United States Space Agency (NASA) voluntarily decided to suspend the contract it signed with Elon Musk’s company SpaceX to collaborate on the Artemis Moon mission, the project that seeks to bring humans to the Moon again. This as a result of the lawsuit filed by the aerospace company Blue Origin , owned by Jeff Bezos , alleging irregularities in the selection process.
How does one spell power? How about B E Z O S? There’s nothing quite like competition among interesting companies. Lawyers are outstanding when it comes to rocket science and rock star technologists.
A side note: At the same time as the bulldozer was packing ice around the Musk rocket ship, Mr. Bezos had a CVT Soft Serve ice cream maker in his home. Ice: No match for the Bezos machine.
Stephen E Arnold, August 26, 2021