Forgotten IBM Watson? Despite Quantum Supremacy, IBM Loves Its AI Too

December 1, 2021

IBM continues to upgrade Watson; this time it is new natural language processing software. IBM’s Newsroom details the upgrade: “IBM To Add New Natural Language Processing Enhancements To Watson Discovery.” The enhancements will assist industries elevate customer care, accelerate business processes by discovering insights and synthesizing information.

Companies are using more NLP software to review their data and its varying formats. AI allows companies to discover insights, save research time, and help employees make more fact-driven decisions. Customization for different industries is a key determinant in the Watson Discovery upgrade:

“The new planned features that IBM announced today are designed to make it easier for Watson Discovery users to quickly customize the underlying NLP models on the unique language of their business. Stemming from NLP advancements developed by IBM Research, business users can train Watson Discovery to help read, understand and surface more precise insights from large sets of complex, industry-specific documents even if they don’t have significant data science skills.”

Among the new features are: advanced NLP customization capabilities, automatic text pattern detection, and pre-trained document structure understanding. NLP will change how the law, financial, insurance, and other industries conduct business.

While NLP upgrades are relatively new, but they will eventually become industry standards as the software becomes cheaper and more ingrained. NLP might actually become mandatory to combat inaccuracy and poor business practices.

Whitney Grace, December 1, 2021


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