Facebook: A Source of Reliable Information.

March 7, 2022

I believe everything I read online. Here’s a good example, which I pulled from the money hungry click addict BBC:

Facebook’s president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, said that “soon millions of ordinary Russians will find themselves cut off from reliable information“.

I know I thing of Facebook as providing great content for eight and nine year olds. I know Facebook is capable of dogooderness. I know that Facebook is trying really hard to be as wonderful as possible.

But I don’t think of Facebook as a source of “reliable information.”

This extraordinary characterization of Facebook as a source of “reliable information” appears in the BBC article “Facebook Hits Out at Russia Blocking Its Platforms.” Imagine, a country engaged in a special action which terminates with extreme prejudice young and old having the unmitigated gall to block Zuckbook, er, Facebook.

The write up reports:

The statement says the block on Facebook platforms has been introduced “to prevent violations of the key principles of the free flow of information”.

This is a battle of euphemisms and New Speak. Quite a pair of global powers, Facebook and Russia.

I love that “reliable information” angle. I suppose that is what Dozhd TV channel and Ekho Moskvy radio executives said too.

Stephen E Arnold, March 7, 2022


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