Microsoft: Fun Search

March 17, 2022

We have censorship. We have discriminatory spidering. We have sites which are no longer indexed. And now if ZDNet’s “real” news team is on the money, we have search fun or fun search. You pick.

Microsoft Is About to Add More Fun to Your Windows Search” reports:

… the Windows 10’s taskbar search box and search home pane will now feature content “including fun illustrations, which help you discover more, be connected, and stay productive. Search highlights will present notable and interesting moments of what’s special about each day – like holidays, anniversaries, and other educational moments in time both globally and in your region.

Great. How about that Windows search. Do you have a Drobo or similar storage device. I bet that Windows search will make that “fun.” What about a desire to locate an actual file on the C: or boot drive? I bet Microsoft will make that fun too. And I could go on? For example, don’t you love Microsoft search syntax? And let’s not forget “unfindable” files. Yeah, that’s a winner too!

How about search that just works, includes Boolean, and provides one click access to sample syntax? That would be fun too.

Stephen E Arnold, March 17, 2022


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