FinFisher Slips Beneath the Cold, Dark Sea

April 1, 2022

I read “Stage Win: FinFisher Is Bankrupt.” The main idea is that the somewhat controversial vendor of intelware is out of business. The article states:

The end of FinFisher is not the end of the state Trojan market,” says Thorsten Schröder, who conducted the CCC FinSpy analysis together with Linus Neumann. “The employees who are now laid off will look for new jobs – presumably at competitors, who will probably also take over the customer base.” More important than the company going bankrupt, therefore, is a conclusion to the criminal proceedings. “We all hope that the end of FinFisher is just the beginning and that the competitors will also finally face legal and financial consequences,” says Linus Neumann.

What is interesting that as information moved from “secret” to open sources, the reaction to specialized software and services has been interesting. The MBA, cowboy emulating, entrepreneurial approach to generating revenue has had an impact.

Blub, blub. Is this the sound of that will haunt other vendors of specialized software and services? What if companies with fish names may face a similar fate?

Stephen E Arnold, April 1, 2022


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