Zucking Up: The Instagram Innovation

August 1, 2022

I read a bonkers article about Instagram (a Zucked up property of the Zuckbook empire). You can get the allegedly accurate information from this article: “Instagram Knows You Don’t Like Its Changes. It Doesn’t Care.” I know that “real journalists” select and maybe shape information to fit into the good old pyramid method of real news craftsmanship. For the purposes of this blog post, let’s just go with the flow like good GenXers do and believe everything in the article. Keep in mind that Zucksters are flexible. The TikTok emulation is a word in progress, pending approval from the Jenner-Kardashian Consulting Company.

But here we go anyway:

  1. The Zuckbook does not care what its addicts — oh, sorry, I mean users — think. [This is something new?]
  2. Kim Kardashian does not like Instagram de-Instagraming itself and getting digital plastic surgery to be more like TikTok? [Yeah, plastic surgery can disappoint. Ms Kardashian might be able to provide some additional information on this back story.]
  3. There’s a “don’t change Instagram” petition with an alleged 190,000 signatures. [How many are sock puppets’ inputs?]
  4. Picketers appeared outside the Zuckster’s New York office. [Did anyone in Manhattan notice or even care? If I were still working in the Big Apple, I would have crossed to the other side of the street and kept on going to a meeting at 245 Park Avenue or 101 Park Avenue South, both former dinobaby offices from the ancient days of work.]
  5. Two “meme account administrators” handcuffed themselves to the Instagram office doors. [Well, not good if someone like me wanted to exit quickly in order to be on time for a really important dinobaby meeting. I can hear myself saying, “Hey, sorry about breaking your wrist. Gotta run. Let’s have lunch.]

One thing is clear: Another Zuckup. Advertisers will be thrilled with this publicity, won’t they?

Now what if this write up has been crafted from the addled thoughts of a sci-fan loopy on Game of Thrones re-runs? Definitely a bad look for the Zucksters.

Stephen E Arnold, August 1, 2022


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