The Scramblers of Mountain View: The Google AI Team

April 3, 2023

Vea4_thumb_thumbNote: This essay is the work of a real and still-alive dinobaby. No smart software involved, just a dumb humanoid.

I don’t know about you, but if I were a Googler (which I am not), I would pay attention to Google wizard and former Alta Vista wizard Jeff Dean. This individual was, I have heard, was involved in the dust up about Timnit Gebru’s stochastic parrot paper. (I love that metaphor. A parrot.) Dr. Dean has allegedly invested in the smart search outfit Perplexity. I found this interesting because it sends a faint signal from the bowels of Googzilla. Bet hedging? Admission that Google’s AI is lacking? A need for Dr. Dean to prepare to find his future elsewhere?

Why am I mentioning a Googler betting cash on one of the many Silicon Valley type outfits chasing the ChatGPT pot of gold? I read “Google Bard Is Switching to a More Capable Language Model, CEO Confirms.” The write up explains:

Bard will soon be moving from its current LaMDA-based model to larger-scale PaLM datasets in the coming days… When asked how he felt about responses to Bard’s release, Pichai commented: “We clearly have more capable models. Pretty soon, maybe as this goes live, we will be upgrading Bard to some of our more capable PaLM models, so which will bring more capabilities, be it in reasoning, coding.”

That’s a hoot. I want to add the statement “Pichai claims not to be worried about how fast Google’s AI develops compared to its competitors.” That a great line for the Sundar and Prabhakar Comedy Show. Isn’t Google in Code Red mode. Why? Not to worry. Isn’t Google losing the PR and marketing battle to the Devils from Redmond? Why? Not to worry. Hasn’t Google summoned Messrs. Brin and Page to the den of Googzilla to help out with AI? Why. Not to worry.

Then a Google invests in Perplexity. Right. Soon. Moving. More capable.

Net net: Dr. Dean’s investment may be more significant than the Code Red silliness.

Stephen E Arnold, April 3, 2023


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