My Way or the Highway, Humanoid

March 28, 2024

green-dino_thumb_thumb_thumbThis essay is the work of a dumb dinobaby. No smart software required.

Curious how “nice” people achieve success? “Playground Bullies Do Prosper – And Go On to Earn More in Middle Age” may have an answer. The write up says:

Children who displayed aggressive behavior at school, such as bullying or temper outbursts, are likely to earn more money in middle age, according to a five-decade study that upends the maxim that bullies do not prosper.

If you want a tip for career success, I would interpret the write up’s information to start when young. Also, start small. The Logan Paul approach to making news is to fight the ageing Mike Tyson. Is that for you? I know I would not start small by irritating someone who walks with a cane. But, to each his or her own. If there is a small child selling Girl Scout Cookies, one might sharpen his or her leadership skills by knocking the cookie box to the ground and stomping on it. The modest demonstration of power can then be followed with the statement, “Those cookies contain harmful substances. You should be ashamed.” Then as your skills become more fluid and automatic, move up. I suggest testing one’s bullying expertise on a local branch of a street gang involved in possibly illegal activities.


Thanks MSFT Copilot. I wonder if you used sophisticated techniques when explaining to OpenAI that you were hedging your bets.

The write up quotes an expert as saying:

“We found that those children who teachers felt had problems with attention, peer relationships and emotional instability did end up earning less in the future, as we expected, but we were surprised to find a strong link between aggressive behavior at school and higher earnings in later life,” said Prof Emilia Del Bono, one of the study’s authors.

A bully might respond to this professor and say, “What are you going to do about it?” One response is, “You will earn more, young student.” The write up reports:

Many successful people have had problems of various kinds at school, from Winston Churchill, who was taken out of his primary school, to those who were expelled or suspended.

Will nice guys who are not bullies become the leaders of the post Covid world? The article quotes another expert as saying:

“We’re also seeing a generational shift where younger generations expect to have a culture of belonging and being treated with fairness, respect and kindness.”

Sounds promising. Has anyone told the companies terminating thousands of workers? What about outfits like IBM which are dumping humans for smart software? Yep, progress just like that made at Google in the last couple of years.

Stephen E Arnold, March 28, 2024


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