Another Bottleneck Issue: Threat Analysis

April 8, 2024

green-dino_thumb_thumb_thumbThis essay is the work of a dumb dinobaby. No smart software required.

My general view of software is that it is usually good enough. You just cannot get ahead of the problems. For example, I recall doing a project to figure out why Visio (an early version) simply did not do what the marketing collateral said it did. We poked around, and in short order, we identified features that were not implemented or did not work as advertised. Were we surprised? Nah. That type of finding holds for consumer software as well as enterprise software. I recall waiting for someone who worked at Fast Search & Transfer in North Carolina to figure out why hit boosting was not functioning. The reason, if memory serves, was that no one had completed the code. What about security of the platform? Not discussed: The enthusiastic worker in North Carolina turned his attention to the task, but it took time to address the issue. The intrepid engineer encountered “undocumented dependencies.” These are tough to resolve when coders disappear, change jobs, or don’t know how to make something work. These functional issues stack up, and many are never resolved. Many are not considered in terms of security. Even worse, the fix applied by a clueless intern fascinated with Foosball screws something up because… the “leadership team” consists of former consultants, accountants, and lawyers. Not too many professionals with MBAs, law degrees and expertise in SEC accounting requirements are into programming, security practices, and technical details. These stellar professionals gain technical expertise watching engineers with PowerPoint presentations. The meetings feature this popular question: “Where’s the lunch menu?”


The person in the row boat is going to have a difficult time dealing with software flaws and cyber security issues which emulate the gusher represented in the Microsoft Copilot illustration. Good enough image, just like good enough software security.

I read “NIST Unveils New Consortium to Operate National Vulnerability Database.” The focus is on software which invites bad actors to the Breach Fun Park. The write up says:

In early March, many security researchers noticed a significant drop in vulnerability enrichment data uploads on the NVD website that had started in mid-February. According to its own data, NIST has analyzed only 199 Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) out of the 2957 it has received so far in March. In total, over 4000 CVEs have not been analyzed since mid-February. Since the NVD is the most comprehensive vulnerability database in the world, many companies rely on it to deploy updates and patches.

The backlog is more than 3,800 vulnerability issues. The original fix was to shut down the US National Vulnerability Database. Yep, this action was kicked around at the exact same time as cyber security fires were blazing in a certain significant vendor providing software to the US government and when embedded exploits in open source software were making headlines.

How does one solve the backlog problem. In the examples I mentioned in the first paragraph of this essay, there was a single player and a single engineer who was supposed to solve the problem. Forget dependences, just make the feature work in a manner that was good enough. Where does a government agency get a one-engineer-to-one-issue set up?

Answer: Create a consortium, a voluntary one to boot.

I have a number of observations to offer, but I will skip these. The point is that software vulnerabilities have overwhelmed a government agency. The commercial vendors issue news releases about each new “issue” a specific team of a specific individual in the case of Microsoft have identified. However, vendors rarely stumble upon the same issue. We identified a vector for ransomware which we will explain in our April 24, 2024, National Cyber Crime Conference lecture.

Net net: Software vulnerabilities illustrate the backlog problem associated with any type of content curation or software issue. The volume is overwhelming available resources. What’s the fix? (You will love this answer.) Artificial intelligence. Yep, sure.

Stephen E Arnold, April 8, 2024


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