Anarchist Content Links: Zines Live

July 19, 2024

dinosaur30a_thumb_thumb_thumb_thumb_[1]_thumbThis essay is the work of a dinobaby. Unlike some folks, no smart software improved my native ineptness.

One of my team called my attention to “Library. It’s Going Down Reading Library.” I know I am not clued into the lingo of anarchists. As a result, the Library … Library rhetoric just put me on a slow blinking yellow alert or emulating the linguistic style of Its Going Down, Alert. It’s Slow Blinking Alert.”

Syntactical musings behind me, the list includes links to publications focused on fostering even more chaos than one encounters at a Costco or a Southwest Airlines boarding gate. The content of these publications is thought provoking to some and others may be reassured that tearing down may be more interesting than building up.

The publications are grouped in categories. Let me list a handful:

  • Antifascism
  • Anti-Politics
  • Anti-Prison, Anti-Police, and Counter-Insurgency.

Personally I would have presented antifascism as anti-fascism to be consistent with the other antis, but that’s what anarchy suggests, doesn’t it?

When one clicks on a category, the viewer is presented with a curated list of “going down” related content. Here’s a listing of what’s on offer for the topic AI has made great again, Automation:

Livewire: Against Automation, Against UBI, Against Capital

If one wants more “controversial” content, one can visit these links:

Each of these has the “zine” vibe and provides useful information. I noted the lingo and the names of the authors. It is often helpful to have an entity with which one can associate certain interesting topics.

My take on these modest collections: Some folks are quite agitated and want to make live more challenging that an 80-year-old dinobaby finds it. (But zines remind me of weird newsprint or photocopied booklets in the 1970s or so.)  If the content of these publications is accurate, we have not “zine” anything yet.

Stephen E Arnold, July 19, 2024


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